Palos Verdes Youth Football & Cheer is concerned about safety. Players compete with kids of similar age and size. There is a licensed paramedic at all games to ensure player safety.  And, all coaches are required to complete a CPR and concussion awareness class.  


PV Flag Football requires that all practices must be attended by one person holding a Red Cross Community CPR and a First Aid certification and a concussion awareness certificate.


A concussion is a type of traumatic brain injury, or TBI, caused by a bump, blow, or jolt to the head that can change the way your brain normally works. Concussions can also occur from a fall or a blow to the body that causes the head and brain to move quickly back and forth. Health care professionals may describe a concussion as a “mild” brain injury because concussions are usually not life-threatening. Even so, their effects can be serious. Any participant that has had an injury at practice play or competition due to a head injury or suspected concussion may NOT return to his/her team/squad until the participant has been evaluated by a currently licensed medical professional trained in the evaluation and management of concussions and receives written clearance to return to play from the licensed practioner. Palos Verdes Youth Football and Cheer recommends that all decisions be made in the best interest of the children and that when any doubt exists as to the health of the participant, they sit out.


PVYF&C is concerned about the safety of our participants and does not want to put any of our participants in harms way. ALL coaches and badged personnel are required to be LiveScanned in order to be on the field with our players, for the safety of our participants. Those that have not submitted to a LiveScan background check are NOT allowed to be on the field at practices or games, at all, ever, NO EXCEPTIONS.